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Comprehensive guide on XWiki's keyboard shortcuts

26 Oct 2022 5 min read

Written by

Alexandra Nicolae

, Account Manager

XWiki comes with a default set of commands that enable you to use keyboard shortcuts to save time, without having to take your hands off the keyboard and use the mouse instead. Whether you're using macOS, Windows, Linux, or any other operating system, there are many ways to make your XWiki experience and collaboration smooth, from leaving comments easily, and navigating through your wiki pages, to renaming pages and editing rights access.

View Mode

 Don't worry! You will not get unexpected behavior when pressing various keys by mistake. View keyboard shortcuts are only available to advanced users.

Edit Actions


Edit the page using the default edition mode


Edit the page in wiki edition mode


Edit the page using the WYSIWYG editor


Inline Form


Edit page access rights


Edit page objects


Edit class

View Actions


Go to page comments


Go to page attachments


Go to page history


Go to page information


View page wiki code

Other Actions


Rename page


Delete page

Edit Mode

Alt + C

Cancel edition

Alt + P

Preview the page without saving

Alt + Shift + S

Save and continue to edit the page

Alt + S

Save and view the page


Here is some basic need-to-know information that can help you work your way around the WYSIWYG editor:

For more in-depth tips & tricks to using the WYSIWYG edit mode check out the WYSIWYG Editor keyboard shortcuts.

Administration Section

Preview Mode

Alt + C

Cancel edition

Alt + B

Back to the edition

Alt  + Shift + S

Save and continue to edit the page

Alt + S

Save and view the page


Ctrl/Cmd + M

Ctrl/Cmd + I

Annotate a piece of text

Alt + A

Show annotations


Ctrl/Cmd + G

Jump to any page in the wiki 

Developer shortcuts

The following key sequences can be used to toggle specific actions on the currently logged-in user:

x x x aToggle advanced user mode for the current user
x x x hToggle hidden pages for the current user


After pressing the x x x a key sequence, you will be notified that the REST request is successful and can now freely use the keyboard shortcuts.

Extra resources: now that you are a power user in the XWiki environment and can easily navigate through content with our keyboard shortcuts, you can check out some more useful links below:

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